David plants a stake in Parliamentary Garden of Remembrance in honour of the 11EOD and Search Regiment 8th November 2023 We are the proud home of the 11 EOD and Search Regiment at Vauxhall Barracks and it was a pleasure to visit again and meet Lt Col Rob Swan and the team. Just... Westminster News
David appointed Minister for Children, Families and Wellbeing 31st August 2023 Honoured to have been appointed Minister for Children, Families and Wellbeing at the Department for Education. Having spent 16 years running organisations for... Westminster News
David secures landmark community energy fund 14th August 2023 I am the Chair of the Community Energy APPG and lead sponsor of the Local Electricity Bill and I have spent the past several months working with the Government... Westminster News
David welcomes largest ever increase in the State Pension 17th November 2022 I strongly welcome this increase, which is the largest ever increase in the State Pension, and shows how committed this Government is to supporting pensioners. Westminster News
David meets with Zach to support Zach's Law 25th October 2022 I have been supporting the campaign for Zach's law by the Epilepsy Society. Believe it or not, there are internet trolls who send flashing images online to... Westminster News
David backs Rishi Sunak for Prime Minister 22nd October 2022 Many constituents have written to me with their views about the Conservative Leadership contest next week. This is to let you know I will be backing Rishi Sunak... Westminster News
David asks constituents who they want as the next Prime Minister 18th July 2022 I would like to hear from you - whichever party you usually vote for - and if you'd like to give me your views, please complete this short survey here. Westminster News
David resigns as PPS to the Department for Education 6th July 2022 I have today resigned as PPS to the Department for Education. As most of you will know, education is a great passion of mine and I very much enjoyed working... Westminster News
David meets with the Minister for Dentistry 13th May 2022 A number of people have written to me recently about their difficulties finding an NHS dentist so this week I met with the minister responsible for dentistry... Westminster News