Since being elected in 2019, I am proud to have delivered for all my constituents - young and old.
For young people, I started a campaign to encourage employers to offer work experience placements to pupils at local state schools after the pandemic reduced them. I asked schools to put forward the young people - ensuring at least some were from disadvantaged backgrounds - then matched them to employers. I was delighted to secure over 40 offers of placements.
I led by example and have hosted a local young person for work experience almost every month this past year (this month I welcomed Amy, an alumni of King Alfred’s Academy) to give them an insight into how Parliament works.
Last year, I hosted an Apprenticeship Fair in Didcot, bringing together local employers including GWR, Thames Valley Police and Diamond Light Source with over 400 young people from across the constituency to show them the apprenticeship opportunities available to them.
I visit a school almost every week to hear from pupils and take their questions, am proud to be a patron of great local charities like Team Mikayla and SecretSanta365 (both founded by young people) and have supported young people like Niamh Dernie from Wantage in her campaign to tackle sexual harassment – and will be taking her to meet the Safeguarding Minister in May.
I am also proud to serve as Children’s Minister under this Conservative Government which is delivering the largest ever investment in childcare. Thanks to this Government’s reforms, English primary school children are the best readers in the Western World and 88% of schools are now rated good or outstanding - up from 68% in 2010 under Labour.
For older people, I hosted a Pensioners Fair in Wantage to bring together some of the key local and national organisations such as Age UK Oxfordshire, the October Club and Vale Community Impact which provide advice and support to older people. Attendees told me it was very helpful.
I have been fighting for justice for our local AEAT pensioners and secured them the first ever independent investigation into their case, as well as a Parliamentary inquiry. I have met with the Pensions Minister many times to push for redress.
I was proud to secure a new Government trial to promote Pension Credit in the Vale of White Horse, regularly visit organisations that support older people including Grove Day Centre and volunteer with the Didcot Good Neighbour Scheme almost every week.
Thanks to this Conservative Government, the State Pension was increased by the largest amount ever last year and will be increased by the second largest amount ever this year.
I will continue to fight for all my constituents in Parliament.